Programs & Guest Speaking

We provide online courses, in-house workshops and guest speaking.

Guest Speaking

We'll come to your event!

If your team, school or workplace would benefit from understanding more about visual learning, imagination development, critical and creative thinking - then let us know. You can have a 90min Blast or design your own learning.

The Big Picture

Suitable for workplace development, artistic conceptual work, teachers and professionals wanting to expand their creative ideas.

Figuring out what to create is fundamental to creative success in the arts and creative industries. In this short course Big Picture Thinking we learn key principles in developing and building concepts. Methods include visual thinking, drawing out ideas, visual learning maps and more.

Big Picture Thinking as strategy is working out what to do, and what not to do. In this course, you’ll learn visual methods for lateral thinking. No particular skills set required to do this course, your lecturer will work with you to expand on what is possible.

Big Picture Thinking is a live, lecturer-led, six-week online or in-house course where you are invited to explore and build-out your own ideas.

You will be lead through the neuroscience of imagination, the visual mind, visual mapping, metaphor, visualisations, meditation, psychology, curiosity and actually learning to see new connections, preparing you for a personal and transformative journey into your own imagination.

Each week you are presented with new skills that either generate imaginative processes or remove blocks, extending an invitation to explore and expand in unique and personal ways. Students are encouraged to share ideas and support individual growth. The diverse concepts the group contributes as a whole further develops creative outcomes.

The course is open to all who are looking for an adventure of the creative mind and anyone who wants to enhance their ability to picture concepts or just use the imagination in new ways to transform ideas, whatever the medium.


Buthi Storybook

The word Buthi means little in the Dhunghutti language. This program is a cross-cultural program providing engaging activities for Early Learning.

The activities in Buthi Storybook are underpinned by Aboriginal pedagogy, particularly the 8 Ways of Learning. The 4 Cs - Critical thinking, creativity, communication and collaboration come together with the 8 Ways. With a focus on visual learning, symbolism and metaphor the program imparts knowledge about First Nations peoples and practices.

Buthi Storybook often uses the Dhunghutti language. This is an example only. You, as the teacher, can use your local language. If you don’t know it or don’t feel confident about using it, you can collaborate with your Community Elders and/or your local Aboriginal Land Council.

The program investment is per classroom and contains activities for the year including all materials..


This course runs for 11 hours in total. There are video tutorials, Workbooks, colouring in sheets and Dhunghutti Language Practice.

Access to the course

Individual teachers may enrol or Head Teachers/ Principals can contact to invest in multiple enrolments prior to commencing the online learning.

How to learn

After enrolment, watch the instruction videos to get an idea for the narrative and outcome of the Activity. Download the Workbook for the particular Module. Watch the Dhunghutti Language Practice so that you can help the children pronounce language when they watch and learn from the language modules. Learn the songs from the audio visuals and help the children learn them too.

What comes with the course?

• 13 x Video Tutorials
• 10x Workbooks
• 10 x Dhunghutti Language Practice
* 9 Unique Songs
• Community Access to grow and collaborate

Buthi Storybook is a series of activities providing online classroom activities for pre-school and Early Learning.The activities in this program are underpinned by Aboriginal Pedagogy, specifically the 8 Waysof Learning, and the 4C’s. The learning has a strong emphasis on visual/ spatial skills and oral methodology.

Outcomes of the Program

The 4C's and the 8 Ways

Creativity & Imagination

Creativity (4C)

Symbolic understanding (8 Ways)

Creative play (4C)

Supports play and imagination (8 Ways)

Builds problem solving skills (8 Ways)

Prediction skills (rhyming lines)

Builds gross motor skills through physical role play

Supports fine motor skills

Visual Spatial Skills

Visuospatial skill building (8 Ways)

Develops spatial temporal reasoning (8 Ways)

Builds visual literacy & transference skills (8 Ways)

Hand eye coordination

Spatial reasoning (8 Ways)

Discriminating between visual data (8 Ways)

Visual spatial perception (8 Ways)

Community & Culture

Supports bi-lingual learning (8 Ways)

Builds vocabulary/phonological awareness (8Ways)

Sense of community (8 Ways)

Fosters collaborative learning (4C)

Narrative skills (8 Ways)

Communication (4C)

Experience textual elements (8 Ways)

Cultural information about food (8 Ways)
Builds confidence in cultural heritage (8 Ways)

Sensory Textural Skills

Experience textural elements (8 Ways)

Heightens sensory processing (8 Ways)

Listening skills (8 Ways)

Supports identification and association of sounds

Builds aural processing skills